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Attribute VB_Name = "auxProcs"
Option Explicit
'MODULE -- auxProcs -- auxProcs.bas
' Provide helper functions and procedures to the application.
Public gSites As New Collection
Public gLoadingSite As Boolean
Private mRow As Integer
' Interrogate the source directory for files matching the file masks.
' Recursive if indicated by blnRecurse.
' FindFiles(TRUE, Path, Filter, SiteID)
' There is at least one filter defined, and the path is a valid path.
' Nothing. The file list is placed in a global class variable.
Public Sub FindFiles(ByVal blnRecurse As Boolean, _
ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strFilter As String, ByVal intSiteID)
On Error GoTo FindFiles_Err
Dim intFileCount As Integer
Dim blnStop As Boolean
Dim strFile As String
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim strDirectories() As String
Dim intDirCount As Integer
Dim intDirSearch As Integer
intFileCount = gSites(intSiteID).FileCount
intDirCount = 0
ReDim strDirectories(0)
strFile = Dir(strPath & "\" & "*" & strFilter)
Do While strFile <> ""
intFileCount = intFileCount + 1
gSites(intSiteID).FileCount = gSites(intSiteID).FileCount + 1
gSites(intSiteID).FileEntry(intFileCount) = strPath & "\" & UCase$(strFile)
strFile = Dir
If blnRecurse Then
'Build list of directories
strFile = Dir(strPath & "\*.*", vbDirectory)
Do While (strFile <> "")
If strFile <> "." And strFile <> ".." Then
intResult = GetAttr(strPath & "\" & strFile) And vbDirectory
If intResult <> 0 Then
intDirCount = intDirCount + 1
ReDim Preserve strDirectories(intDirCount)
strDirectories(intDirCount - 1) = strFile
End If
End If
strFile = Dir
'Recurse through all directories
For intDirSearch = 0 To intDirCount - 1
Call FindFiles(True, strPath & "\" & strDirectories(intDirSearch), strFilter, intSiteID)
Next intDirSearch
'Reset list for recursion unwinding
Erase strDirectories
ReDim strDirectories(0)
intDirCount = 0
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox CStr(Err.Number) & " -- " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "RegArbiter"
End Sub
' Create a new instance of Site for use.
' AddSite(SiteID)
' None.
' Nothing. The new site is added to a global collection variable, gSites
Public Sub AddSite(NewID As String)
Dim NewSite As New Site
Dim id As String
'get a random id
id = CStr(Int((10000 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 10000))
NewID = id
With NewSite
.SiteID = id
.FilterCount = 2
.FilterEntry(1) = "asp"
.FilterEntry(2) = "htm"
End With
gSites.Add NewSite, id
End Sub
' Builds an adjacency matrix and other lists to help diagram the site.
' MapMe(SiteID)
' A file list has been provided.
' Nothing. The matrix is stored in the Class variable.
Public Sub MapMe(ByVal SiteID As String)
Dim sb As StatusBar
Set sb = frmMain.sbMain
sb.SimpleText = "Building Adjacency Matrix"
sb.SimpleText = ""
End Sub
' Loads a site's info from a loaded Site class.
' LoadSiteForm(frm, S)
' The site has been loaded from disk into S, frm is a loaded
' instance of frmSiteDefinition.
' Nothing.
Sub LoadSiteForm(frm As frmSiteDefinition, S As Site)
Dim i As Integer
frm!lblSiteName = S.SiteName
frm!lblDirectory = S.MainDirectory
For i = 1 To S.FilterCount
frm!lblFileMasks = frm!lblFileMasks & " " & S.FilterEntry(i)
For i = 1 To S.FileCount
frm!lstFiles.AddItem S.FileEntry(i)
frm!txtRoot = S.Root
frm.mSiteID = S.SiteID
If S.ChooseRoot Then
frm!optDefine = True
frm!optDivined = True
End If
End Sub
' Recursively creates a treeview node structure from the adjacency lists.
' MakeExcelFile(tv)
' The class has a valid matrix.
' Handle to the built treeview control.
Sub MakeExcelFile(tv As TreeView)
Dim xl As Excel.Application
Dim n As Node
'Initialize global row counter
mRow = 1
'Open a new version of Excel
Set xl = New Excel.Application
'show excel and add a new workbook
xl.Visible = True
'set recursion loop invariant to first (root) node
Set n = tv.Nodes.Item(1)
'set root node value
xl.Range(("A1")).Value = n.Text
'Kick the recursion off, printing in depth first manner
Call TraverseChildren(tv, n, xl, 1)
'Release excel object
Set xl = Nothing
End Sub
' Performs the recursion of exploding each child and inserting the
' children correctly
' TraverseChildren(TreeViewCtl, CurrentNode, ExcelInstance, CurrentCol)
' None.
' None.
Sub TraverseChildren(tv As TreeView, n As Node, _
xl As Excel.Application, Depth As Integer)
Dim i As Integer 'lcv pointing to current child
Dim CellCol As String 'horizontal positioning for printing to excel
'which column are we currently on for this recursion?
CellCol = Chr(Depth + 65)
'If we have no children, exit
If n.Children > 0 Then
'set i to the index of the first child
i = n.Child.Index
'increase the row count
mRow = mRow + 1
'output the value to the correct cell
xl.Range((CellCol & mRow)).Value = n.Child.Text
'Recurse with the first child
Call TraverseChildren(tv, tv.Nodes(i), xl, Depth + 1)
While i <> n.Child.LastSibling.Index
'if there are more children, process in order, depth first
'increase the row count
mRow = mRow + 1
'output the value to the correct cell
xl.Range((CellCol & mRow)).Value = tv.Nodes(i).Next.Text
'advance the index to the next child
i = tv.Nodes(i).Next.Index
'Recurse with subsequent children
Call TraverseChildren(tv, tv.Nodes(i), xl, Depth + 1)
End If
End Sub